Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Gentle ways to push yourself through depression

  1. Actively pursue pleasurable activities and feelings, so that you can fill your 'feel good' piggy bank
  2. Keep an ongoing list of small things you have accomplished each day. Even if it's just brushing your teeth.
  3. Donate your time to a cause that is important to you
  4. Create a playlist of songs that put a smile on your face or make you feel like dancing.
  5. Teach yourself something new even if it's by watching youtube videos or listening to a podcast
  6. Give someone a genuine compliment to brighten their day
  7. Practice opposite action, eg: When depression tells you to sit in bed all day, getup and dom some jumping jacks
  8. Depression entices you to hide under the covers, it wants you to avoid people, convincing you that no one wants to be around you anyway. It does this over and over until avoidance the only safe option. Managing depression means being active and brave. 
  9. Doing the opposite of safe, so you can learn that you can in fact handle hard things, by doing so you create a new and healthier ways of thinking

Friday, September 8, 2023

Rashi, Nakshatra and Lottery/Gambling

 Sun: Kritika, Uttara Phalguna, Uttara Ashada

- Aditya Hridayam Stotra

- Jaggery, Wheat

- Sunday

Moon: Rohini, Hasta, Shravana

- Monday

- Lord Shiva

- White cloth, milk, rice

- Durga Saptashati

Mars: Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishta

- Tuesday

- Laddu/Vermilion to Lord Hanuman

- Corol Yantra

Rahu: Ardra, Swati, Shatabisha

- Saturday

- Lakshmi Stotra

- Gomed Stone / Hessonite Stone

- Wear Shani Yantra

Jupiter: Punarvasu, Vishaka, Purva Bhadrapada

- Thursday

- Sweet Rice

- Chickpea 

- Durga Saptashati

- Yellow Sapphire

Saturn: Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada

- Blue Sapphire

- Black Cloth, Sesame, Iron Utensil

- Feed Fodder to cow 

- Feed sesame oil smeared chapati to crow

Mercury: Aslesha, Jyeshta, Revati

- Fast for five wednesdays

- Donate bronze utensils

- Donate green fruits, ghee, sugar candy

- Recite Durga Saptashati

Ketu: Ashwini, Magha, Moola

- Tuesday

- Fasting, Distributing Sweets

- Worship goddess lakshmi

Venus: Bharani, Purva Phalguni, Purva Ashada

- Friday

- Sixth chapter of Durga Saptashati

- Kheer to five little girls

- Wear diamond

Aries: Odisha, Punjab, Kolkata

Taurus: Bihar, UP, Rajasthan

Gemini: Nagaland, HP, Sikkim, Assam

Cancer: Yangon, Delhi, Sri Lanka

Leo: Assam, Kerala, Maharashtra

Virgo: Srinagar, Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Assam and Nagaland

Libra: Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana

Scorpio: Bihar, UP, Odisha, Bengal, Sikkim

Sagittarius: Delhi, UP, Nepal, Bengal

Capricorin: Sri Lanka, HP, Mysore

Aquarius: Punjab, Harayana, UP and Bihar

Pisces:Jammu, Kashmir, Maharashtra, Nagaland

Rahu Remedies

  • Ardra Nakshatra
  • Swati Nakshatra
  • Shatabisha Nakshatra

Rahu Kalam Gulika Kala Yamaganda

Sun 16:30-18:00 15:00-16:30 12:00-13:30

Mon 19:30-21:00 13:30-15:00 10:30-12:00

Tue 15:00-16:30 12:00-13:30 09:00-10:30

Wed 12:00-13:30 10:30-12:00 07:30-09:00

Thu 13:30-15:00 09:00-10:30 06:00-09:30

Fri 10:30-12:00 07:30-09:00 15:00-16:30

Sat 09:00-10:30 06:00-07:30 13:30-15:00

Rahu Remedies:

  • Start wearing blue color clothes in your routine
  • Respect your father in law, maternal grand parents and sick people
  • Do not consume liquor or non vegetarian food
  • Take good care of street dogs or you can pet a dog

Rahu dieties: Durga, Varaha Avatar, Mahavishnu, Bhairava

Rahu Fasting: Ashtami tithi fasting, Saturdays fasting are good

Rahu Donation: Donate on wednesday at Ardra, Swati, Shatabisha at evening or within 08:20PM things like Barley, Mustard, Coins, Navadaanya, Hessonite Stone, Blue or Brown Colored Clothes, Grass, Gram Dal etc.

Ayurvedic Remedy: White Sandalwood is a best remedy for Rahu, Apply White Sandalwood at Rahu Nakshatra, Rahu Days 

Tantra: Having Black Colored Marble in your pocket

Feed chapati with milk to street dogs and never beat them

Do not take anything for free from anyone, return anything if you are forced to take it free

Saturn Tantra

Saturn signifies: Labourers, Servants, Lower Class People, Violent People, Unlawful Work, Oil Related, Iron Related, Paternal Uncle, Cruel Deed, Renunciation, Moksha, Yoga, Meditation, Land Dealing, Property Dealing

Saturn Stars

  • Pushya Nakshatra
  • Anuradha Nakshatra
  • Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra
  • Bharani Nakshatra 

Saturn Horas

  • Mon: 07:06-08:08 14:22-15:25 21:25-22:22 Tue: 04:09-05:07
  • Tue: 11:15-12:17 18:30-19:28
  • Wed: 08:09-09:11 15:23-16:25 22:21-23:19 Thu: 05:07-06:05 
  • Thu: 12:17-13:18 19:26-20:24
  • Fri: 09:11-10:13 16:23-17:25 23:18-00:16 Sat
  • Sat: 06:03-07:05 13:21-14:24 20:29-21:26
  • Sun: 3:20-14:23 17:30-18:33 12:18-01:16
How to reduce Saturn influence
  • You should wear Black Colour clothes in routine and keep your associates, servants, labour, etc. always happy to get blessings from Planet Saturn.
  • You should pay respect to your paternal uncle & old people of your family and society.
  • Try not to consume liquor, fish, egg or non-vegetarian foods.
  • You should not drink milk at night and do not buy rubber, iron related things on Saturday.
  • You should start helping others and perform virtuous deeds.


  • Worship Saturn by offering Mustard Oil/Til/Black Lentil
  • Karuppanaswamy, Balaji, Ayyappa, Hanuman, Radha Krishna all are friendly gods to Saturn

Astrological donation: Donate on Saturn nakshatra and Saturn hora items like Umbrella, Shoes, Blanket, Iron utensils, Black Lentils, Til Oil, Mustard Oil, Black Clothes, Male Buffallo

Fasting Prayer: Fast on Saturdays with chanting of Shani Beeja Mantra |

|Aum Praam Preem Proum Sah Shanaischaraya Namaha||


  • Help the needy, the poor and disabled always
  • Feed wheat flour to ants 
  • Clean main passages of religious places
  • Use Dhatura Mool on Saturday during Saturn Hora on Saturn Nakshatra, this will remove Saturn's negative energy