Pyrite : Fools gold rocks, they can manifest wealth and power. Ignites a fiery passion to succeed, manifest your destiny. Protection from scams.
Fire Opal: powers of manifestation. Lucky if it is saffron, orange, red & yellow. It's called as money stone and provides good opportunities, allows to manifest wealth and success.
Selenite: Lucky crystal dealing with money. For those who're experiencing money problems or for those who get lucky, the purity of selenite may prove to be useful.
Tiger's Eye: Traditional wealth stone. Attracts good luck, most of its power comes with the way of thinking. This is also called as 'Go-Getter' stone. Increases your confidence and instils fiery sense of determination. This stone will make you not to rely on anyone to obtain wealth. It pushes you to earn for yourself.
Amazonite: encourages good luck. This is Gambler's Stone, believers swear by its ability to challenge lady luck in a Casino setting. It can bring luck into every facet of your life. Amazonite is said to provide good fortune bringing about opportunities for you to increase your personal wealth. Promotes success in non monetary endeavors. Amazonite brings change, helps creating result you want to experience.
Emerald: Gorgeous stone for money. Stone of Abundance. Brings more wealth and success in life. Enhances decision making skills and can guide us in the right direction, help us in arriving at good decisions.
Garnet: Symbolized wealth and helps in manifesting wealth. Profound vibrational energy increases your chances of success in everything you do. Enhances your mental prowess, gives you the strength to make those tough decisions you need to make your success a reality.
Green Jade: Ultimate money stone, attracts money and promotes success in everything from your job to your relationships. Powerful healer, promotes good relationships with people surrounding you. Manages your desire for wealth.
Malachite: Wealth and Prosperity stone. Very useful for those who conduct into big businesses. Pushes you towards good luck and success.
Rose Quartz: Helps us in early stages of their career, recommended for new business owners and people entering the job market for the first time.
Moss Agate: Personification of abundance. Very good crystal for agricultural trade.
Lodestone: Powerful stone that can manifest prosperity and bring luxury to your life. Supports your desires for the finer things, drawing in abundance and success you so desire. Quite nurturing helps you to overcome broken rungs on the ladder to success.
Green Calcite: fantastic crystal for money with vibrant green color that helps you attract wealth. Used for prosperity spells, Produces on good fortune. Wipes away negative energy, cleanses auric field of negativity and bad karma, ensures that you're always open to accepting luck when it comes our way. Grants gift of foresight, it can illuminate signs of financial troubles ahead, encouraging you to prepare for worst.
Amethyst: Most popular minereal. Sign of wealth and nobility. Powerful crystal for money to have for wealth-building. Fosters creativity, pushing you to come up with the next big idea that will help you make a fortune. Helps you create a successful business or reach upper echelons of your career path.
Green Aventurine: Gamblers Stone for risk takers. Reputed to bring wealth and make sure that lady luck is on your side. Creates new opportunities in your career and financial endeavors. Opens up doors, illuminating paths you never knew you could take. Will manifest wealth in the long run. Brings sudden fortune but gradual growth over time.
Clear Quartz: Master healer and powerful energy amplifier. It translates to business and money as well. This is called Crystal of Intention,. Ignore any distractions, drive for success can ultimately help you manifest your destiny and create more wealth.
Andalusite: May be in White, Green, Red, Yellow-Brain color. This is eye catching money crystal, attracts wealth and makes your successfully.
Peridot: Good stone for money said to conjure up success no matter whatsoever it happen. Creates new opportunities to increase your wealth, keeps you level-headed. It changes the way you think. This crystal gives clarity and helps in making clear decision
Red Coral Stones: This protects 180 degree of your financial well being. Those who suffer from financial troubles should wear it. Helps in paying out debts. Helps newcomers for success. Good luck for job interview and frequent opportunities to prove yourself. Helps to climb ranks, brings more wealth to your life.
Ruby: Attracts success and money. Conjure up success, Keeps you motivated deep within your soul, ensuring that you never give up on your goals. Ruby pushes you towards success.
Black Tourmaline: Positive influence on your financial life. This money stone cleanses your mind and freeing your soul of negativity. It stops you from shutting down and invigorates you from within.
Amber: Helps you come up with beautiful creative ideas that increase your wealth. A good wealthstone which manifests good business ideas, facilitating financial growth and maturity. Opens up your mind to the many money making possibilities out there. It gets rid of clutter so that you're free to make smart decisions about your finances.
Yellow Sapphire: Conjures good luck, it pushes you to take action and is the gemtone of "getting things done". You can formulate new money making ideas, putting your creative prowess to good use. Helps people come up with best ideas which can ultimately increase your wealth and help you bring your fortune to fruition.
Sunstone: Crystal for money and positivity. Provides job assurance and financial help. Cleansing, removes negativity that holds you back. Facilitates success, abundance wealth. Brings happiness into your life and pushes you to appreciate all things you already have.
Citrine: epitome of joy and success. Vibrant yellow crystal for money increases your self esteem and removes any ounce of self doubt. This crystal helps in healing, influences many chakras, particularly impacts solar plexus chakra which is the central of your personal power. Citrine builds confidence and helps to manifest wealth. Favorite among merchants and business owners
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